Seasons have changed and nothing is still...a competition it seems this life repeatedly builds. Echos and dreams once bore fruit, today reality emerges so cut throat. Passions neglected , but for what cause?.... a few bravo's and a little applause ? . Moving with the currents prolongs swimming, but what of tidal waves and port bells ringing. Caution to the wind is a risk one doesn't take, a life we all are trying to make. Forgotten we have, forgotten ourselves.. rotting away like old books on shelves. Mirages are discouraged , get real they say...but what of day dreams in the merry month of May?. Glorious days are promised for all realists, mocked are the one's who call themselves idealists. When it rains, you wish for snow..when it snow's u yearn for the sun's glow. Orange rain cometh , Orange rain go... We reap whatever we wish to sow. Dream your dream today my friend... Don't get lost with the set life trend. Wish for your wishes to come true, drink your coffee made with the finest brew. Laugh at the rain, laugh at the cloud..when u need to cry...do it aloud. Be yourself ..don't lose yourself to the cold..don't lose your identity ...don't be sold. Fight for your dreams and follow them through, mix it up in the batter of life and make a fine roux. Choice is yours -Be different or be the norm, Decide now while you are still in your dorm. Awaken dreamer your time has come, long you have hidden and long you've kept mum. Action now dreamer, work it out..tonights yours ..win that bout. What'll happen is an unknown fact , takes more than crystal balls to know with a pinch of tact.Follow ur dream, for as u dream ...so shall u become...Dream,hope,believe and do............
Orange rain cometh...Orange rain go..We reap whatever we wish to sow.
Beautiful... very lyrical & the pictures are stunning. Thanks!
heyy abha, that was very inspiring!! its so true what we do to ourselves..amazing! makes me realize...thanks for that jaan! =)
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