Saturday, November 22, 2008

When the sun retreats... the moon plays

I don't like walks when I feel numb. But that would mean that I'd have to stand still, sit quietly or lie down...can't do it I'm too restless. Its not so much the eagerness to move, but more so the need to be on the move. 'If u can't catch up, the world will leave you behind' is what they all say...
Fuck them. They can go on and compete.But I'm still on the move, know why? because I hate to be stagnant... I hate to just stay and be. No its not good enough for me....but then I ask myself 'what is good enough for me' ? Why are there questions to which answers, that can never be found..whats the point? Its like dangling a fish over a cat.'Jump all you want kitty, u ain't gonna get there.. Not this one ..You can't have it and if u really want fish then ur gna have to jump into the pond and hunt ur own. 'Oh wait you won't do that, You hate water'......
Bathing urself with saliva is acceptable in the feline world , but we need the water.. we need the fish. So without questions asked we sink into the normality that is our life and dive into the blue. Hoping we could take pictures with our catch for the day...
Everybody's fishing for something.. actual fish , love, happiness, gain, prosperity, family, revenge, compliments, help.

There are times when I'm mildly stagnant, when I just sit and stare at the walls that surround me.. taking in the silence around me. I hate it. I can however sit in the darkness..waiting for the sunrise...I can sit all night and I might even be at peace...But as soon as I see the sun..I'm hustling and bustling..what gives?... is it a beacon..?
An alarm of sorts?
Then I run through the day ...faster than most others...and then the night comes again.
And I sit..again.
Everything slows down...Anxiety, the enemy kicks in
Portals open doorways to doubts and Uncertainty.
The voices I've heard throughout the day, play in my head conspiring to form the script of my dreams for that night. And I don't even know it.
Sub-consciousness leaves little to control..Involuntary thoughts result in unplanned actions.
I give in and consume the day, the happenings, the surroundings.
Then there are those rare occasions where I manage a burst of positivity and my dreams don't seem like a mirage...
I pour faith in myself and trust in my strength and my eagerness and stubbornness helps
And I smile and hope that tomorrows sunrise won't let me down...
You see its important that my catch for the day is a big one..cause later that evening...
I face the night.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Paradise Wall

I run back to caves to leave a little something to history
Our lives I realise to the future may be a mystery
I need no pen, no canvas or scroll
All I need is a stone, a wall and I'll carve it whole.
I'll draw trees, birds, hills and mountains..
I'll draw children sharing a fountain...
I'll draw Tigers for I fear they may not remain...
They might just disappear from every terrain..
I'll draw lovers sitting under walnut trees...
Where orchards will orchestrate the perfect breeze.
I'll draw fields with shepherds and ladies and sheep
I'll draw those faithful flea bags that help the sheep, the shepherd keep.
I'll draw gardens with butterflies fluttering
Gardens with exotic flowers cluttering..
I'll draw water and fish swimming through
I'll draw a sailor floating paper boats with the rest of his crew
I'll draw the excitement visible on a little girl's face..
I'll draw the anguish experienced by a little boy hoping to tie his lace
I'll draw parents watching their little child, for the first time walk..
I'll draw the happiness in their eyes when they first hear him talk.
I'll draw weddings with the dearly beloved gathered..
I'll draw the bride and the groom to whom the rest of the world never mattered.
I'll draw sand and shells next to seas..
I'll draw big red doors with wooden keys.
I'll draw the sun, the moon , the sky
Our time is precious and I now realize why..
Our world is extraordinary, we have to try and keep it that way..
Sometimes we just need to listen to what children have to say...
I wish I could draw more, draw it all...
But I realize for this I need a lot more stone...a lot more wall..
Save this world for you, for me, for one and all...
Respect the beauty of the Paradise Wall...........................................................

For our world and all that she's had to put up with..........Abhijeet.