Whats love got to do with it? Indeed. Age old question. Are they perhaps related. Could they be that they are of the same family? Dare I say cousins. What then could the explanation be for music and love?So many questions fill my mind....The music distracts me. I listen as Korn play their twisted transistor and promise that this won't hurt a bit. Right. May be music is a distraction from love. Haha I laugh at my stupidity almost as soon as I finish that sentence. Distraction?. Ha! If anything they are 2 sailors on the same boat with a common need to remind of magical times. Every song must be somehow related to love. Even the incredibly noisy and angry one's that scream hate or death. What triggers them off?... May be its love...what's got em all pissed off ? May be betrayal in one form or the other. Songs about companionship,family,friendship they all speak of love.Songs generally act as reminders, reminders of feelings felt when we first heard a particular song...or may be reminders of people we loved and lost . For the lucky one's songs act as happy reminders of people who are still by their side. Music is what feelings sound like and love is the strongest of all feelings.Those who never sing ,die with all the music still in them. It is the same with Love.Music perhaps is love in search of a word.Music is beautiful, music is all around, music is necessary,music is hope,music is freedom,music is passion,music is rage,music is heavy,music is complete,music is soothing, MUSIC IS FOR EVERYONE..........
Whats love got to do with it?...Indeed.
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