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Seasons have changed and nothing is still...a competition it seems this life repeatedly builds. Echos and dreams once bore fruit, today reality emerges so cut throat. Passions neglected , but for what cause?.... a few bravo's and a little applause ? . Moving with the currents prolongs swimming, but what of tidal waves and port bells ringing. Caution to the wind is a risk one doesn't take, a life we all are trying to make. Forgotten we have, forgotten ourselves.. rotting away like old books on shelves. Mirages are discouraged , get real they say...but what of day dreams in the merry month of May?. Glorious days are promised for all realists, mocked are the one's who call themselves idealists. When it rains, you wish for snow..when it snow's u yearn for the sun's glow. Orange rain cometh , Orange rain go... We reap whatever we wish to sow. Dream your dream today my friend... Don't get lost with the set life trend. Wish for your wishes to come true, drink your coffee made with the finest brew. Laugh at the rain, laugh at the cloud..when u need to it aloud. Be yourself ..don't lose yourself to the cold..don't lose your identity ...don't be sold. Fight for your dreams and follow them through, mix it up in the batter of life and make a fine roux. Choice is yours -Be different or be the norm, Decide now while you are still in your dorm. Awaken dreamer your time has come, long you have hidden and long you've kept mum. Action now dreamer, work it out..tonights yours that bout. What'll happen is an unknown fact , takes more than crystal balls to know with a pinch of tact.Follow ur dream, for as u dream shall u become...Dream,hope,believe and do............
Orange rain cometh...Orange rain go..We reap whatever we wish to sow.
I know of a doll. We call her Tiara. I call her friend.She doesn't call.She has friends, a few of them who always let her sit at the shiniest chair at a tea party. They don't really care for her, but are still drawn to her.Before you feel bad for our Tiara... halt, stop, cease and desist.She's good at painting pictures that people like to see.She stands on a bench of morality and resides on the highest floor of the doll-house. Still I know she is alone. May be she deserves to be.She's cold and manipulative and everyone is aware.Still those that have stood by and watched her be ,haven't left her side.Dolls aren't alive because they don't have the ability to feel or hurt.This doll then is no different.She sits on the rocking chair u leave her on.She smiles , keeping her cold gaze upon u.Not caring about your woes or troubles.As long as it doesn't affect her best interests, she will not stir.You open up to her with the hope that her face will soften.Nay!. It's still the same.You feel bad and you ponder upon your beliefs.Growing up have always heard and believed that a doll is a child's best friend, a companion of sorts. You wonder then about Tiara and her motives. You stare at her hoping for her to yield and open up...but you end up hitting a brick wall.You hurt, she smiles. You cry, she smiles.You sigh, she smiles.You mummer to yourself and wonder about the material that was used to make this cold being.You wonder about her creation.Who then was responsible for not having sowed a heart into her? Who then thought that it would be funny to create a heartless doll? A doll it seems is a likeness to a person, a smaller replica.Can u imagine a person without a heart?... I can.We call her Tiara...
Tis' the season to be jolly fa lalalalala!...Its true its my favourite time of the year. I wish at times that it would snow where I live.. For a Christmas without snow is incomplete. Christmas is about sharing and giving , spending time with family and loved ones, sharing gifts and joy and yet however for the poor it may be no different than any other time of the year or may be it could even be worse. I'm blessed with comforts and for that I am grateful. I am thankful for all that I have and all that I shall receive. We however are never satisfied with what we have, even in our happiest moments sometimes we think that it could be better.Yes its true I have all the basics covered, still my selfish heart yearns for more.Christmases past and present have at times haunted my mind. Pouring thoughts through it along with cookies and wine.I see flashes of what has been and see images of what is.. and somewhere along the way I can see that somethings a miss. Its true I love Christmas , but its also the time that my heart misses everything that its lost in Christmas past. Christmas present always seems bleaker for I count the losses since Christmas Past. What have I lost? I wonder aloud since those Christmases of the past.As I recall the moments, I see those visions and my present is stirred and shaken. I wish for a Juggernaut who would pound the walls with his massive fists, someone who would let me ride on his massive shoulders and help me crash into the walls built up within my mind. I pray for a Juggernaut who would stop at nothing to shield me from whatever I may see. I seek a juggernaut , who when everytime I fall would pick me up and say ' come on ..get up..ride on my shoulders I'll take you back and forth'. I need that unstoppable juggernaut to spare my wounds.As I jump of his back into my present I think about everything that I saw...everything I have lost and also everything i have gained -----------------' Wheeeeeeeeezzze, Merry Christmas son',Are reindeer real?, Is that Santa?,Rudolf the red nose reindeer had a very shiny nose, And this is Dodo, Can you dance?, it's gonna be a black Christmas when he gets here..hahaha, ah mistletoe' we have to now..u way around it, I'm gna ask her out two days after Christmas, Happy b'day Christ,Ur goin for mass dressed like that, have some Christmas cake, I'm hoping for a miracle,This Christmas all I really want is T......., I love Christmas cartoons, wish i knew more carols, hi I'M ABHI, Merry Christmas baby I miss you, I love you, Omg ur never gonna believe what happened,I wanna wear the Santa hat now,Where is she?..where where WHERE?'...and suddenly he grabs me hard. Stop it he says.Look at where u are. This is now. That was then . Just stop boomed his voice. Ur right I said, I'm going to concentrate on now...I saw everything I had and may be its gone now, but the things I still have I want them to last...and I'm ready to discover whatever lies ahead. Good boy!! said the juggernaut...Now onto the next run....Hop on kid!..Where to? I ask keeping my distance from him as he punches down yet another wall...a bright light blinding me temporarily shot through..and he says 'The Future'..............................................
Whats love got to do with it? Indeed. Age old question. Are they perhaps related. Could they be that they are of the same family? Dare I say cousins. What then could the explanation be for music and love?So many questions fill my mind....The music distracts me. I listen as Korn play their twisted transistor and promise that this won't hurt a bit. Right. May be music is a distraction from love. Haha I laugh at my stupidity almost as soon as I finish that sentence. Distraction?. Ha! If anything they are 2 sailors on the same boat with a common need to remind of magical times. Every song must be somehow related to love. Even the incredibly noisy and angry one's that scream hate or death. What triggers them off?... May be its love...what's got em all pissed off ? May be betrayal in one form or the other. Songs about companionship,family,friendship they all speak of love.Songs generally act as reminders, reminders of feelings felt when we first heard a particular song...or may be reminders of people we loved and lost . For the lucky one's songs act as happy reminders of people who are still by their side. Music is what feelings sound like and love is the strongest of all feelings.Those who never sing ,die with all the music still in them. It is the same with Love.Music perhaps is love in search of a word.Music is beautiful, music is all around, music is necessary,music is hope,music is freedom,music is passion,music is rage,music is heavy,music is complete,music is soothing, MUSIC IS FOR EVERYONE..........Whats love got to do with it?...Indeed.
Slurp... sigh...hmmm...Funny how days fly.It just seems like yesterday I met her and I said hi. She was distracted had a lot on her hands. Animals aren't that easy to handle especially when they come in pairs. She seemed okay to me..nothing great.. your average joe at best..I was not too impressed , certainly not like the rest. I didn't pay attention to detail.. not back when all roads leading to her place were empty. She thought she was a prisoner, a brick in the wall , she had so much going for her and on most days I found myself waiting for her call. Still I found myself saying she ain't no biggie... I was wrong of course..It seemed she was all that they said she was. She was all that and more. The little girl grew and became a woman. Somewhere along the way we came full circle..we loved and fought, left and returned, laughed and cried. She's a woman now alright , she won't give it to you the way you'd like to hear it, she'll give it to ya straight.... No mincing words for this li'l girl...she's no pushover that 1. Super sweet she can and sinful she is...a lack of discipline at times follow her mouldy ways but she knows where she's headed. I meanwhile am the observer, I sit back and watch her grow...what would happen if i interfered now? A chain of mistakes perhaps, so I let her grow on her own. You can't hold a child's finger too hard or she will hurt. I look in the mirror as I considered leaving her hand, I saw that I had hands as small as hers. Its strange how things work when you don't learn from the errors of your own martyring ways...To put it as best as I can....Ashes fly back into the face of the one who throws them........................................hmmmmmmmm...sigh ...... slurp.
A smile on the face means your heart is at home. Excruciating pain is when love is trashed and the sceptics try and prove to you that there is indeed no such thing. You shrug it off without a thought because you've felt its power and you've felt its pain.Perfect balance it brings.The good brings the bad and the same is applicable for the reverse. As my memories haunt me back into an unnerving familiar imagination floods me with images of what could have been.My wind chimes at times don't allow me sleep, my dreams at night... at times make me weep. When you walk away from some one you love..some one you truly love you always turn around atleast once and look back. Somewhere along the journey to closure you consider the story incomplete..but sometimes it is wise to understand ...that even though you had more words to write , your pages for this book are filled. Compete with time and face the string quartet for little pebbles falling in the puddles will eventually prove deafening.Someday you may find some 1 who will keep your love safe and trust you with theirs in return..But until then for the one's who've turned around oh so often i'd like to say A Fools paradise is a lost cause, for the heart is a boomerang throw it away as hard as you can........................................................................... Return it will someday.