Its what is lacking in the world. Well at least in mine .
Ever wake up one day and wonder what happened to the year?
How did it just whizz by?
Thought I had all the time in the world.
It sneaks up on you. Time.
The greatest coward I've known
Never stays a moment. Pfft. Time.
Time just took the year hostage and killed it without so much as a ransom note.
The year just died.
So the year.. well lets see. Had my ups and downs.
Just like any other year. A regular roller coaster.
Made a lot of wonderful friends...only to say goodbye.
Wish I had more time, to live in the happy cocoon they built around me.
Tragedy is realizing that for me education is almost over.
My last few hurdles in the academic path.
I enjoyed my education.
It helped me understand.
Helped me become aware.
When they say 'we don't need no education',
clearly they are satisfied being another brick in the wall.
Wall. Something I never managed to bring down.
Stays up there like Fort Knox.
Keeping me out. Successfully.
Sometimes I wonder, May be if I just look the other way...
And run in that opposite direction..
Perhaps it would become non-existent.
Non-existent. Its what this year will be. Soon enough.
I hear the world is coming to an end.
In a couple of years.
So what now? Put my affairs in order?
Ha. Clearly the marketing of a popular recent movie on Armageddon was exceptionally successful.
Such a hue and cry about the world ending. A world where billionaires and politicians survive
because they have enough money and power to float boats that will sail to Mt. Everest .
Only in a movie.
Movie... the last one I saw involved a triangular love story
where two out of the three protagonists are supernatural by nature
Of course these two are quite the rage with the female population
FYI this movie was not just made out of a hat.
Its based on a popular book series.
Has almost every girl smitten.
Smitten is what I have been for a nauseatingly long time.
Smitten with an idea.
Smitten with fantasy.
Smitten with idealism.
Smitten with unhappy endings and the thought of it changing tide the last moment...
For the happily ever after.
This thought. This thought in my head reproduces into multiple thoughts.
Thoughts. Well self explanatory.
Filled with them. Think I'l explode
I wonder if my brain has the power of retention.
For all the bombarding.
Thoughts being flung into it by trebuchets .
My Imagination flourishes only with my reality's demise.
Demise. This word is feared.
This word signifies end.
Demise - Termination.
But why doesn't anyone look at demise as the chance for a new beginning.
The Demise of 2009. The beginning of 2010.
Beginning. Well that remains to be seen.
Merry Christmas. A happy new Beginning.
1 comment:
"When they say 'we don't need no education',
clearly they are satisfied being another brick in the wall."
you summed it perfectly.
ive been trying to say something like this for a while.
good going writer boy.
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