or music without rhythm....
or playgrounds without children?
What good is jelly without motion?
or passion that lacks emotion...
What good is a mountain without landscape
or roads that deny escape....
Hold my hand steady now...
tread not carefully..i won't let you fall
breathe gently into my ear... whisper so my heart may hear..
Crush me gently ... push me easy...
My lips beckon , my heart dances..
tilt your head, close your eyes...
breathe easy...I won't bite....not yet anyhow....
I will look at you...see you whole...see you through ..back and forth...
Don't fight your feeling...kiss me now... I'll cradle your head...be your safety net...
Our eyes they meet
Our hearts they beat
Our lips they glisten
Our souls they listen
I see you ...I raise you
What are we without each other ... but empty treasure chests...
a fortune missing..
but together we're gold....and diamonds and rubies and sapphires alike
We are waves that collide...into one another...aching to be one....
Rocks may halt our motion...only temporary ..my sweet..
I see the glint in your eyes...I can match you piece by piece...
dance and spin...
fall into my arms....
before the night is over ...
I shall take you whole... I win.......
I know you yearn... I know you hunger...
I see you...I raise you
I don't care if you are the homecoming queen...
Makes no difference... at the end of the day...
I will walk up to your stage and claim whats mine..
I know you yearn... i know your tricks....
Our eyes they meet...
Our hearts they beat...
Our lips they glisten...
Our souls they listen....
what good is a frame without a picture...?
what good is light without darkness...
what good is a wait... without purpose...
or love without pain.
I see you...I raise you
What good am I?...
What good are you?
What good are we apart...
What good are we together.....................................................
sweet dreams princess.....
I see you... I raise you....
1 comment:
You're really good. :) Best part being you explain your part with so much ease. With no difficult words. its very likable. :)
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