In the darkness i saw his eyes..
Fierce with rage...yet mellowed when they fell upon me...
He picked me up from the mud...rubbed off the rubble upon my being..
Get up he said...b strong..i'm here now...
It was like I was staring at a mirror..n saw something powerful..
Saw sum 1 towering..n yet saw a lot of me in him...
My fears seemed to drown..he had a powerful steed.
A machine....with handles made of silver that gleamed in the moonlight...
His passion engraved upon its chest..we tore down the road...
Upon his powerful steed as..it roared with fury...the heavens made way..
The walls crumbled.. we were ready to face anything...we were going to fight...
Standing side by side..as we crashed upon the gates of hell n broke it off its hinges...
Our greatest fears lay ahead ..
Yet they seemed afraid..afraid of us..
Afraid of the fight we were about to bring...afraid we might win..
I looked at him one last time b4 we tore into battle..and victory seemed inevitable...
We were across an army...standing outnumbered n yet we smiled...
We waited...we panted..
We breathed..they charged...
We drew out our swords...n screamed loud enough to humble the thunders...
And we charged..we knew we would win...
After all..we'd danced this dance so many times b4...
A tribute to two boys who found each other more than a decade ago... A story of two young men who are passionate, loyal , creative and strong... A journey of warriors who've fought and withstood many a battles together...The legend of two souls who were never afraid to fall in love with girls certain to break their hearts..A memory of friends who helped each other through wilted orchids and yellow fevers...A tale of Brother hood which began with a 'Once upon a time... and continues to fill the pages for stories yet untold'.
For Jim Gorde without whom Darkness would be obvious and picnic baskets meaningless .