You know how most of the time ur so caught up with stuff happening in ur life..the good and the bad I mean... ur ability to pay attention to other things reduces or depreciates a considerable amount. You fail to notice the small things out there...Like people for instance.The others.. yes they do exist.. How much are u really seeing of them?... Sure I mean u see them walking on the road , boarding a train , standing in an annoyingly long line in front of you , sure you tend to hear them talk and describe. But are you listening? or are you so arrogant and self centered that you fail to acknowledge their presence ? Are you so engulfed in ur private emotions that u fail to observe or are you so wrapped up in your drama that u begin to wonder if the others are around to just fill in the background of the scenery you so dramatically walk through. Do you consider yourself the star and do you also expect everything to happen the way it does so that somehow it all adds up to be the missing pieces of the jigsaw puzzle that is your life...Are u doomed to practice in front of the mirror on a stage alone....or will u finally accept that for any stage an audience is necessary...but don't convince urself that the audience is there just to watch u perform..to witness ur life...to play a part in ur story. Understand that all of them have their own stage, their own story..their own drama. Acknowledge and understand as hard as it may be for u to admit it..that u are no different....ur just another character in a movie playing his part..what u do with it is upto u..but give others their due.... life will move on with or without u...even for those that love u the most...so be part of the audience and take some time to really listen to someone..to really see someone..to try and understand someone......................................................to understand ur audience and to earn them..u have to be one of them....
For the millions of people that I have come across since the day I was born ..whom I've failed to acknowledge ....cause I've been busy playing the star.
Nobody is unique , cause everyone is.....
Abhijeet Shetty.